Aroma Set lavender Grand Cru

Content: Essential oil Lavender fine Grand Cru 10ml, small cotton lavender pillow (chlorine and acid free) with organic lavender flowers. In the hills of Piedmont, kissed by the sun, lavender gathers its fantastic powers. The violet medicinal plant has a very diverse range of effects. Lavender stands for relaxation, harmony and good sleep. The flowery-fresh, herbaceous essential oil owes its strong relaxing properties to the high content of linalyl acetate. It is appreciated by people with poor sleep.

CHF 29.90
Including VAT, excluding delivery charges
CHF 598.00 / 100 ml

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Labeled in German and French only



Place a scented pillow in the linen cupboard and add a few drops of Grand Cru lavender oil every week.

Client ratings

Angela | Nov. 26, 2024

Das Duftset ist hübsch verpackt, das ÖL ist ja einfach ein Lavendelöl, da ist nichts innovatives dabei, aber OK. Das Kissen aber fand ich etwas sehr, sehr klein, winzig! Das hat mich doch wirklich überrascht, habe es als Geschenk bestellt, finde das jetzt fast etwas kleinlich, also peinlich.

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