Do you long for more mindfulness in everyday life? Create space for inner peace and serenity. In the midst of the hectic pace of everyday life, we can easily lose touch with ourselves and our surroundings. Fragrances can serve as gentle reminders or small anchors in everyday life to help us come into the moment, cultivate a time-out for breathing and support our mindfulness - whether on or off the mat, in yoga flow or in the flow of life. 

Peace and serenity
Comforting relaxation
Inner balance
Peace and serenity
Comforting relaxation
Inner balance

Looking for your core on the mat?Fragrant mindfulness for your yoga flow

  • Your space for inner peace and serenity.
  • Your breathing teaches you to be in the present moment.
  • With benzoin Siam, mandarin red and others.
Aroma-Yoga organic room spray
17.90 CHF 75ml

The power of the aromatic plant for yoga, breathwork and meditation

Benzoin Siam

Bot. Styrax tonkinensis: Warm, balsamic and sweet. Conveys security, protection, comfort and warmth and goes wonderfully with topics such as yin yoga, cocooning and meditation.


Bot. Boswellia carterii Resinous, woody, spicy and warm, grounding and at the same time uplifting, cleansing, protective and strengthening. The spicy fragrance harbours purifying properties that were known to all cultures. Frankincense is wonderful for meditation and provides peaceful calming.

Sandalwood Australia

Bot. Santalum spicatum  The plant water from Australian sandalwood enchants with its soft, balsamic and slightly woody fragrance. It has balancing and mood-enhancing properties, is good for stress and supports you when taking breaks for deep breaths. It is sourced from a very special Australian Aboriginal Grand Cru project.

Find your time for mindfulness, breathwork, yoga and meditation

The power of your breath

Combine your fragrance application with simple tips from Breathwork. Breathing properly can significantly improve our well-being and has a profound effect on our nervous system.
Breathwork with Janine

Fragrances to combat stress and burnout

Would you like to counter your daily stress and stressful situations with simple aromatherapy applications and boost your resilience?
Discover now

Yoga and essential oils

Combine meditation, breathing exercises (pranayama) or asanas with essential oils and learn which essential oils are suitable for your yoga practice or how you can use them in your sessions.
To the one-day workshop

Workshop Mental Health - Stress and mental strain...

countering with essential oils. Attend a workshop in the farfalla branches and learn about aromatherapeutic treatments for your psyche.
To the workshops


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